Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Leigh Elliott
ESEA Coordinator
Kelly McKenney
Board of Directors
Paul Markosian
Vice Chairperson
Board of Directors
Abigail Miller
Board of Diretors
Board of Directors
Elizabeth Alteri
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Beverly Sargent
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Amy Boles
Office of the Superintendent
Nicole Chan
Assistant Superintendent
Office of the Superintendent
Teresa Austin
Administrative Assistant
Office of the Superintendent
(207) 664-7100
Carolyn Heller
Business Manager
Business Office
(207) 664-7100
Amy Atherton
Accounting Manager
Business Office
(207) 664-7100
Cathy O'Halloran
Payroll & Benefits
Business Office
(207) 664-7100
Ann Sargent
Director of Adult Education
Adult Education
(207) 664-7110
Frank Evenson
Director of Facilities, Maintenance and Transportation
Facilities & Maintenance
Greg Berry
Director of Food Services
(207) 664-7100
Stephanie McGruder
Instructional Coach
Carol Ann McEachern-Murphy
Director of Special Education
Special Services
(207) 664-7100
Lisa Backman
Assistant Director of Special Education
Special Services
(207) 664-7100
Shannon Lehto-Adams
SPED Administrative Assistant
Special Services
(207) 664-7100
Laurie Smith
Admin Assistant to the Assistant Director of SPED
Special Services