A. NUMBER: Students use numbers in everyday and mathematical contexts to quantify or describe phenomena, develop concepts of operations with different types of numbers, use the structure and properties of numbers with operations to solve problems, and perform mathematical computations. Students develop number sense related to magnitude, estimation, and the effects of mathematical operations on different types of numbers. It is expected that students use numbers flexibly, using forms of numbers that best match a situation. Students compute efficiently and accurately. Estimation should always be used when computing with numbers or solving problems.

B. DATA: Students make measurements and collect, display, evaluate, and compute with data to describe or model phenomena and to make decisions based on data. Students compute statistics to summarize data sets and use concepts of probability to make predictions and describe the uncertainty inherent in data collection and measurement. It is expected that when working with measurements students:

  • understand that most measurements are approximations and that taking repeated measurements reveals this variability;

  • understand that a number without a unit is not a measurement, and that an appropriate unit must always be attached to a number to provide a measurement;

  • understand that the precision and accuracy of a measurement depends on selecting the appropriate tools and units; and

  • use estimation comparing measures to benchmarks appropriate to the type of measure and units.

C. GEOMETRY: Students use measurement and observation to describe objects based on their sizes and shapes; model or construct two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects; solve problems involving geometric properties; compute areas and volumes based on object properties and dimensions; and perform transformations on geometric figures. When making or calculating measures students use estimation to check the reasonableness of results.

D. ALGEBRA: Students use symbols to represent or model quantities, patterns, and relationships and use symbolic manipulation to evaluate expressions and solve equations. Students solve problems using symbols, tables, graphs, and verbal rules choosing the most effective representation and converting among representations.

The Mathematics Department, with the recommendations of previous math teachers, NWEA scores, and student’s performance, will determine the most appropriate class for each student. Honors levels are college preparatory courses that are more complex, demanding and will require additional time outside of the school day. The honors level courses should only be taken by highly disciplined and motivated students who are willing to put the necessary time and commitment toward their studies.

Math Graduation Requirements: 3 years Required order: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II